It’s done! The Jewel of the North, aka the endangered Tansy beetle wall mural, is now on display in York. You can see it on 11 Queen St, near the city wall and the train station.

Just as a reminder, this is what Buglife say this about this bright green, charismatic beetle:
“The Tansy beetle was once widespread in Britain, but it is currently endangered, not just in the UK but across its worldwide range. It is now a UK Biodiversity Action Plan (UKBAP) priority species, which means that public bodies have a duty to protect it, together with its habitat. As the beetles are dependent on tansy as their sole food source, if a clump disappears the beetles have to walk to a new clump as they are not known to fly. Although Tansy is widespread, unfortunately pressures such as land-use changes and the increase of invasive species such as Himalayan balsam have resulted in a decline in Tansy plants over the past few decades. This has had knock-on effects on Tansy Beetle numbers as beetle populations have become increasingly isolated and can now only be found along a 30km stretch of the banks of the River Ouse, around York”.
New Networks would like to thank the amazing ATM, crowdfunders, and sponsors including The York BID, The Rattle Owl, SAY Scaffolding and BeeEater Gifts. And don’t forget, ATM and tansy beetle expert Dr Geoff Oxford will be speaking at #Time4Nature on 1st November. Get your tickets and come and marvel at the diversity of ways to celebrate nature.
Ticket available here. One, two or three day tickets on sale.