Laurence Rose is a conservationist, naturalist, composer and author. His first book in over twenty years, The Long Spring seems, now it is written, to be about making and un-making connections: places, connected by the migrations of birds; people, connected to place by nature and history; and cultural (dis/re)connection between people and the rest of nature. His next book will probe these themes more deeply, focussing on our cultural relationships with, and exploring attitudes to, species of conservation interest. As well as composing and writing, he collaborates with other artists on works inspired by nature, particularly in music and audio-visual arts. He has worked for the RSPB since 1983, in roles as diverse as nature reserve management, international capacity building, advocating global treaties, strategic planning and marketing. He is currently working – in his final salaried role – on Back from the Brink, a multi-taxon, eight-organisation collaboration for threatened species recovery.